Doggy cakes for birthdays
and special occasions

Cookies, muffins, and treats

Natural, bio ingredients,
no preservatives or additives

Prepared by a certified canine nutritionist

Seasonal goodies

I always use local, Canarian fruits and vegetables to make delicious snacks. Have a look at what I prepared this spring!

Cakes for dogs

Delicious and healthy cakes from organic ingredients, full of meat, fish and vegetables. Perfect for birthdays and family celebrations.

All dogs are different so I can prepare something special for yours:)

Maybe someone you love has just adopted a doggy? It can be a perfect gift!

Snacks and treats for dogs

I make various kinds, soft and crunchy. They can be gluten free, dairy free or vegan. Come in different sizes, depending on how big you dog is.


They are ver nutritious, full of fruits, vegetables, and meat. made with healthy flours and superfoods. Perfect on a trip, in the mountains or on a beach.


Tiny snacks, full of meat and fish (can be vegan). They are perfect as a reward when you want to train your dog or give it something “from the table”.


Do you know what your dog eats?

Many of the nutrients in industrial snacks are lost during the high-heat process, so flavour enhancers and synthetic nutrients are added to replace what has been lost.

They can also contain additives and preservatives. Why would your dog eat glycerin or cellulose?

Some ingredients that we love may be toxic for dogs, such as onion, garlic, avocado or grapes, so please don’t share your food (I know it is difficult to resist).

Give your dog a handmade cookie or a muffin made with love from fresh, local products and by a canine nutritionist.

Just a spoonful makes a difference! I use superfood such as flax and chia seeds, moringa, maca, spirulina, brewer’s yeast and reishi mushrooms.

Most of my snacks are made from gluten free flours: coconut, almond, oat, chickpea, rice, tapioca, quinoa and banana because many dogs have gluten intolerance.

semillas de chia

Omega-3 acids in fish improve learning and memory and help control inflammation. Meat supports strong muscles and provides energy.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and antioxidants, they are often missing in dry food for dogs so it’s good to have them in snacks.

Canine nutritionist

Thank you for visiting my canine bakery!

I’m Malgorzata Karpinska, a canine nutritionist with a diploma in canine nutrition from Miguel de Cervantes University and University of Nottinghan.

I carefully prepare all the recipes using high-quality, bio and hypoallergenic ingredients that prioritise health and wellness of your dogs (and mine).

If you want to make sure that your dog receives a balanced and nutritious diet tailored to their specific needs, you can book a free consultation using this form and here you can read more about canine nutrition.